Ok today werk not that bad... Got 2 golfers from Norway... They havent played for more than 6 months so they kinda suck for a 16 handicapper... However thanks to ME they manage to get some par and a few birdie chance... Im supposed to get $30 tips but one of the golfer really liked me so he gave me extra $10...
So $40 tips and $32 caddy fee equals to $72... Not Bad... Onli 5 hours of werking
Aft werk bought cigarettes $10 Top up $10 onli left $52
No worry tmr my brother is goin to pay every expenses....
Go Sentosa...
Damn i wish Muslim can do tattoo
i really want one( 2 actualli)
ahh fuck it...
Abg Bob: Asl Dil nk buat tattoo sangat??
Me: Mcm style ahh... Aidil bukan gangster.. ni utk fesyen jek
Abg Bob: Abg sendiri nk buang tattoo abg nie..
Me: *silence*
Abg Bob: Asl diam?
Me: Tkde...
Ahh I realli need to get my mind off this tattoo thing... Help me someone!!!
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